Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Gotta Get Outside!

As long as it's not raining/snowing and provided that the windchill isn't below, well, chilly, we go outside. Winter never bothered me until I became a Mom...especially a stay-at-home one. Be gone winter! We want to play outside without face-planting into a snowbank or falling into a muddy puddle. (Well that might be fun!) Spring is here...and above, Colin is modeling his new LL Bean mud season gear. I even spied tulip shoots coming up from my fall planting -- oh joy!

Alas, Friday's forecast says something like 6 inches of snow!?!? But let's not dwell on that!!

Colin hitting the trails at Westville Park

Ava all happy after seeing some geese on the last of the lake's ice

Ava back inside giving one of her trademark devilish smiles

Happy Spring!

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