Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there! We were graced with one of the best weekends we've had since last summer and we took full advantage of it! Saturday morning we drove out to Tougas Farms in Northboro -- it's a super family-friendly pick-your-own farm. June in New England means it's STRAWBERRY season! Not the tough and wicked seedy berries you get at the grocery store...no, these are shiny, sweet, juicy red orbs. The kids had an absolute blast using their twist and pull method they learned from a Special Agent Oso episode. After we had eaten our way (and picked some too!) through the field, we headed over to their goat pen. Colin and Ava enjoyed feeding the baby goats; and yes, they had hand-washing stations for your post-animal experience! We capped off the morning by taking head shots with a sunflower mural, easting hot dogs and sipping on some fresh lemonade.
On Sunday, we kept it in the neighborhood, but still had a blast. We hoofed it on down to our lake and Michael got to throw in his fishing line while the kiddos splashed in the water. When Daddy reeled in a good sized Bluegill, Colin nearly poked its eye out while trying to pet it. Fearless!!
We decided that splashing all day seemed like a good idea, so we started out by putting a sprinkler ball in the kiddie pool. In the afternoon, we all went for our first dip in the big pool, and despite their shivering, they had a fantastic time!
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