Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy Fourth!

A day late, I know, however I'm pooped. This heat is a killer on me, on the twins' moods, on our lawn! Today we had a a nice visit from our friends Scott, Traci and Gavin who trekked up from Manchester, CT in this swamp-awful heat -- thanks for hanging out in the pool with us!

Here's Colin offering Gavin some bubble bottle caps.

Yesterday, we went for a run along the Grand Trunk Trail in the Westville Lake area which is on the Sturbridge/Southbridge line. Apparently, it's a railbed built by Charles Hays (the President of the Grand Trunk Railways), but after he bought a ticket on the Titanic the rails were never laid. Now we are blessed with an absolutely beautiful stonedust trail shaded by forest that is easy to run on with a big ol' double stroller.

After our run, we let the twins run free in this enormous recreation field without the worry of roads or cars. Here are some shots from yesterday morning.

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